Iraida Kolcunová
Ivan Ferenc
používaných v elektroenergetických zariadeniach. Dielektrické vlastnosti také ako dielektrická permitivita a stratový činiteľ boli merané pri zvyšovaní
napätia od 0.1 do 2kV krokom 200V. Napäťové závislosti boli získané pri zmene teploty od 20 do 100°C. Elektrická pevnosť olejov bola nameraná
pri zmene vzdialenosti medzi elektródami. Všetky tieto veličiny boli získane a porovnané pre rôzne typy olejov.
Abstract. The aim of this work was to investigate the electrical properties in vegetable oils and to compare them with the most commonly used
insulating liquids.
The properties such as the Breakdown voltage, Electrical stability, permittivity and dissipation factor (tan δ) of different types of oils were compared.
The dissipation factor and permittivity were measured at increased voltage (0,1 - 2kV) and changed in temperature (20 – 100°C). The breakdown
voltage and electrical stability were tested at different insulation gap. It is shown, that the vegetable oil RACIOL is the most suitable in comparison
to transformer oil ITO 100.